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Pre-workshop Slide Presentation

Please view this slide presentation (with audio) to familiarize yourself with CISE and the CAREER program before the workshop.

Presentations at the workshop

Please see the agenda.

WebEx Stream

Here is the raw WebEx capture from NSF, which has warts (e.g., recording started 15 min before any content, ran through breaks, sometimes captured remote participants who were not muted, and has only audio for Dr. Trilce Estrada’s talk because the video crashed) but NSF asked us to post it while we work with them to create a cleaner version in a format that does not require a specific player.

CAREER Proposal Writing Workshop-20180409 1219-1
Monday, April 9, 2018
2:42 pm  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

Play recording (6 hr 19 min)

It will ask you to install a player on Mac/PC; you can refuse and use Java in your browser (does not work on Edge. I don’t think they support Linux.)

Close the participants window to make space to enlarge the table of contents, which you can use to jump to items of interest. Items will be gray until the player buffers video content (pause below and watch the blue progress bar). For example, the first real content is page 2 at 00:19:03: Jim Kurose’s welcome slide.

Timeline of items in Table of Contents:  (h:mm)

0:19 – Jim Kurose (CISE AD) welcome and overview

0:54 – Program Director Panel Q&A

1:51 – Career Awardee talk:  Dr. Marine Carpaut

2:18 – Career Awardee talk:  Dr. Salim El Rouayheb

3:00 – Career Awardee talk:  Dr. George Porter

3:20 – Career Awardee talk:  Dr. Trilce Estrada (audio only; slides under Agenda)

3:42 – Career Awardee Q&A

5:17 – Program Director Comments: 5:18 Darlene Fisher, 5:45 Phil Regalia, 6:07 Almadena Chtchelkanova

6:19 – Recording ends

Sample CAREER Proposals

Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS)

Computer and Network Systems (CNS)

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)

Networking Technology and Systems (NeTS)

Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC)

Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF)

Software and Hardware Foundations (SHF)

Communications and Information Foundations (CIF)

Algorithmic Foundations (AF)

Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (ACI)